MGB 7, CCC Unite for Children’s Charity In a remarkable show of solidarity, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 7 has actively joined hands with the Department of Environment and continue reading : MGB 7, CCC Unite for Children’s Charity

NICA 7 orients MGB 7 Personnel on Security Awareness and Advocacy Against CTGs
NICA 7 ORIENTS MGB 7 PERSONNEL ON SECURITY AWARENESS AND ADVOCACY AGAINST CTGS On May 4, representatives from the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) 7 conducted an orientation for employees continue reading : NICA 7 orients MGB 7 Personnel on Security Awareness and Advocacy Against CTGs

MGB 7, HAZ discuss issues and concerns on MPSA
MGB 7, HAZ discuss issues and concerns on MPSA The Technical Team from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 7 held a consultative meeting with Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) continue reading : MGB 7, HAZ discuss issues and concerns on MPSA