On May 4, representatives from the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) 7 conducted an orientation for employees of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 7 at the MGB 7 Training Hall. The orientation covered general information and security measures, as well as the government’s campaign against Communist-Terrorist Groups (CTGs).
Apart from physical security measures, the MGB 7 employees were also briefed on cyber terrorism, social media exploitation, classified information/documents, and NICA’s advocacy against recruiting CTGs. NICA provided insights on their modus operandi, machinations, and deceptions.
The orientation was conducted as part of the collaborative efforts of various government agencies to explain the objectives of Executive Order No. 70 or the End Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC) to the stakeholders. NICA emphasized the importance of being discerning and vigilant. (MGB7/IO)