Mine communicators get crisis management training

March 6, 2023

Information Officers and Community Affairs Officers of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), along with mining permit holder communicators, learned about the power of communication in managing crises during a training held recently in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.

The National Unified Information and Education Program (NUIECP) initiated the activity and attended by the MGB, Philippine Minerals Industry, and the NUIECP National Steering Committee.

The training workshop, dubbed as the “2nd Series of Public Relations and Crisis Management Training,” highlighted the importance of setting up a crisis communication team and discussed the roles of each member.

The program started with the Welcome Remarks of Ms. Angelita Lee, Co-Chair of the NUIECP National Steering Committee, followed by the Inspirational Message of Atty. Ronald Recidoro, the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines Executive Director and NUIECP National Steering Committee Chair.

“A crisis communication team’s success depends on working together and communicating effectively,” training facilitator Ma. Teresa Pacis, Assistant Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communication of Apex Mining Corporation emphasized.

Part of the training included a mine tour where participants visited an abandoned mine site of Palawan Quicksilver Mines, Inc. in Barangay Sta. Lourdes, Puerto Princesa City, which was transformed into a rehabilitated area, an ongoing project between the Local Government of Puerto Princesa and MGB.

Participants also learned how to develop key messages, such as mission, vision, and values, as well as the Social Development and Management Program (SDMP). The training also covered topics such as issuing press releases, conducting press briefings, managing social media platforms, and forming Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for a crisis situation. Media and social media monitoring to understand stakeholders and gather intelligence was also taught during the training.

Pacis highlighted the importance of putting in place a crisis management manual to ensure the agency’s efficient and proper handling of crisis situations. The manual outlines the crisis management team’s roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, and other key information needed during a crisis, she said.

“A crisis can be made or unmade by the people involved. With a well-prepared crisis communication team in place, an organization can effectively manage a crisis and come out of it with its reputation intact. By focusing on key team members, developing strong messages, and using stakeholder engagement and intelligence-gathering, the crisis communication team can navigate even the most challenging situations,” Pacis concluded.

Heart Rizarri/IO MGB7
