MGB 7 team joins the Philippine Environment Month celebration at DENR 7

Posted 05 June 2023

LOOK: Earlier today, employees of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 7, led by Regional Director Armando L. Malicse, joined the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Central Visayas, along with other line agencies and partner national government agencies, in kicking off the month-long celebration of the Philippine Environment Month (June) and observance of the World Environment Day (June 5). The theme for this year’s celebration is “No To Waste: Advancing Circular Economy to #BeatPlasticPollution.”

After the foot parade, DENR hoisted a unified flag ceremony, followed by lively and entertaining performances from various national agencies, including the selection of this year’s Lakan at Lakandula at the DEPED Ecotech Center.

The rest of the MGB 7 employees participated in a hybrid program organized by the DENR Central Office. The program was attended by various high-ranking officials, including Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Program/Project/Service Directors, Bureau Directors, and Heads of Attached Agencies. The event took place through Zoom teleconferencing, with MGB 7 employees joining from the MGB 7 Training Hall this morning. (MGB7/IO)