MGB-7 re-orients technical, deployed personnel on mining laws

Posted: March 21, 2023

Embedded personnel and technical staff of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Region 7 recently received a refresher training workshop on relevant environment and mining laws.

The workshop held on February 2-3, 2023, aimed to train the newly-hired Mine Management Division personnel and re-orient its embedded personnel on relevant laws and MGB’s programs and services.

Embedded personnel are those deployed to the different Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Offices (PENROs) and Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENROs) in Central Visayas to serve as front liners in addressing mining-related issues and concerns in their respective assignments.

“The embedded personnel serve as the bureau’s counterpart on mining and geological concerns in the community and provincial offices of the DENR. The training helped ensure that the personnel is well-equipped and informed with the latest updates and guidelines to sustain all gains and efforts towards responsible mining and disaster-resilient communities,” MGB 7 Regional Director Armando L. Malicse said.

During the training, discussions focused on recent policy issuances regarding mining and environmental laws, as well as the issues and concerns arising from the PENROs/CENROs in the region.

Participants lauded MGB 7 for the success of the training which allowed them to gain new knowledge and skills useful for their roles and duties as environmental vanguards in the communities.

Malicse emphasized MGB 7 remains to be committed to continuously provide training and development programs to ensure that our personnel is equipped with the necessary competencies to fulfill their duties and responsibilities effectively.  (MGB 7/ IO)