CPMDC’s Environmental Youth Camp Educates Pinamungajan’s Youth on the Importance and Benefits of Mining

Posted 20 July 2023

In a bid to ignite environmental awareness and empower the next generation of eco-conscious leaders, Century Peak Minerals & Development Corporation (CPMDC) hosted the 2nd Environmental Youth Camp Park Place Beach Resort in Tajao, Pinamungajan.

Attended by 50 active and enthusiastic youth and students hailing from Barangays Binabag, Mangoto, Sacsac, Sambagon, and Tutay, the one-day camp proved to be an immersive experience in environmental education on July 7.

The focus of the event was to conduct an Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaign on the “Importance and Benefits of Mining.” Distinguished speakers Engr. Ramcie S. Brillante from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Region (MGB) 7, Jovelino Abe from the Environmental Management Bureau Region (EMB ) 7, and Mr. Marlon Aniñon from the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office of Pinamungajan (MENRO-LGU Pinamungajan) delivered lectures on their respective topics.

Engr. Brillante’s presentation delved into the multifaceted aspects of mining, highlighting its significance, benefits, and potential challenges. Obtaining references from historical accounts in the Bible, he offered a fresh perspective on the controversial subject.

Jovelino Abe, in his engaging talk on “Climate Change and Ecosystems,” emphasized the pressing need for the youth to play an active role in environmental protection. He stressed the importance of preserving ecosystems and combating climate change to secure a sustainable future.

Mr. Marlon Aniñon shed light on the “Importance of Waste Management,” underlining responsible waste disposal practices and their far-reaching impacts on both the environment and local communities.

The CPMDC staff presented insights into “How We Produce Cement” and the company’s ongoing community-oriented “Programs, Projects, and Activities.”

In addition to informative sessions, the event included various activities and games related to the discussed topics, providing a practical approach to gauge participants’ understanding.

One attendee expressed enthusiasm for the mining topic, stating, “I now understand the importance, benefits, and disadvantages of mining. Learning from historical references was an eye-opener for me.”

The 2nd Environmental Youth Camp concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment among the participants. Armed with knowledge and passion, they asserted to become advocates for sustainable practices and guardians of the environment.

CPMDC’s dedication to fostering the next generation of eco-warriors through the Environmental Youth Camp showcases its commitment to a more responsible mining industry, paving the way for a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future. (IO/MGB7)