Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) 7 Regional Director Loreto B. Alburo presides a staff meeting and general assembly to the employees of MGB today.
“It is important to achieve a good level of cooperation and camaraderie among MGB-7 officials and employees for better productivity in pursuing the DENR-MGB’s priority programs under the 6-point Agenda of DENR Secretary Ramon JP Paje along with the social contract of the P-Noy administration to the Filipino people,” Alburo said.
As part of the features of the said activity, division chiefs of geosciences, mining environment and safety, mine management, and administrative and finance will present their respective accomplishments for the first quarter of 2012.
The activity to be attended by 54 officials and employees of MGB will also discuss salient features on the extent of accomplishments.
“With the increased and improved communication and dialogue among the officials and employees, measures or interventions will be taken up particularly in the course of implementation of the various programs, he added.
He also pointed out that sharing of information or lesson points with other divisions is obtained.